COMPUTER ETHICS Hello~~okay today , I will introduce to you about something that most of the people does't even pay attention while they are on the internet.So, the subject was about netiquette and I guess most of you still wondering what was this THING is about or doesn't have any idea about netiquette and also I want to give a little bit information about computer ethics & security that I have learnt few weeks ago. NETIQUETTE N e t i q u e t t e (is from internet and etiquette) is the code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the internet RULES OF NETIQUETTE 1.KEEP MESSAGES BRIEF AND USE PROPER GRAMMAR , SPELLING AND PUNTUATION 2.BE CAREFUL WHEN USING SARCASM AND HUMOUR 3. DO not use ALL capital letters BECAUSE IT IS EQUIVALENT OF SHOUTING 4.BE POLITE , AVOID OFFENSIVE LANGU...